Business Training
If I want to understand the foreign, I must first of all understand and comprehend myself, my own culture and my own historical and social situation; (Klaus Roth). All the more so as everyday life confronts us with a great cultural diversity, interculturality has become normality and intercultural competence (as a part of diversity competence) has become a key qualification of the 21st century. The globally networked world and the international cooperation that goes hand in hand with it require people to be able to deal constructively and appreciatively with cultural, religious or social diversity in interdisciplinary and multinational companies and teams. The different communication communities, differentiated knowledge and forms of linguistic action, value and orientation systems must be understood and grasped. It then means to be interculturally competent, to have developed and internalized attitudes and attitudes as well as special skills of action and reflection that enable effective and appropriate interaction in intra- and intercultural situations.
The acquisition of intercultural competence can promote constructive communication and is particularly profitable in international cooperation, expansion projects, multicultural and multinational teams. In the long run, the success, functionality and efficiency of international companies is not only promoted by intercultural training and coaching or targeted expert consulting, but holistically supported by the establishment of a reflected, systemic and high-quality diversity management. For multinational and multicultural teams to work much more successfully and creatively than monocultural teams, they must be composed accordingly. And in the company or organization, a constructive, appreciative and value-creating approach to difference must be cultivated, so that different cultures and ultimately differences in themselves no longer appear under the aspect of contrast, polarity, competition and competition, but as complementary, interdependent and ultimately equally valuable parts of a comprehensive whole ( Yoshikawa).
Contact me and I will work out a concept for your company or for you personally that is suitable for teaching diversity and intercultural competence (training) or for establishing diversity management. Or I will accompany you individually in concrete situations (expansion, secondment, return, conflicts in an intercultural context).