Business Speaker
… or should we say, listener? Should you be interested in a lecture for a special occasion from the variety of topics you will find on these pages, please contact me and let us explore whether I can extend a suitable offer to you. So far I have given quite a few lectures, workshops and other formats on the following topics:
#Clean Language
#Climate Communication
#Cross Border Mediation
#Cultural diversity in the labour market
#Dealing with conflicts in diverse contexts
#Diversity Leadership
#Elder Mediation
#From analogue digital to digital digital
#Intercultural Sensitisation
#Intercultural Sensitisation and Conflict
#Mediation you can touch
#Online Mediation
#PowerHour Equity in Academia
#Preparedness and dealing with conflicts
#Processual forms of counseling
#The ecology of human being in business. The human being torn between self-optimisation and exhaustion?
#The Research on Mediation
I had the opportunity to give lectures to the following providers:
arbeitsgemeinschaft mediation e.V. | Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe des Deutschen Bundestages |Bundesverband Mediation | The Coach Community | Forschungsgruppe Mediation (ForMed)| European Network for Mediation (EuroNetMed) | Europa Universität Viadrina (mediation moves) | FairAntwortung gAG| Fördergemeinschaft Mediation DACH | Forum Polonia e.V. | Handwerkskammer Karlsruhe (HWK)| Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft |Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Karlsruhe| Integrierte Mediation e.V. | International Coaching Federation (ICF) | International Chambers of Commerce (ICC) | Internationales Wirtschaftssymposium Österreich |International Network Elder Mediation |Justizministerium der Republik Polen | KAPF Netzwerk | Karlshochschule International University | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie| Lions Club Schloss Karlsruhe |MiKK e.V. | MKBauImm Mediation und Konfliktmanagement| Stuttgarter Mediationstag | Technische Universität Dortmund | University SWPS | Wissenschaftsfestival Effekte Karlsruhe.